Working with IPublishedContent
public ActionResult GetDistinctContentTypesForAuthor(string authorId)
//Create an empty list of type String
List<string> allResults = new List<string>();
// Setup what Search Index to use
var searcher = ExamineManager.Instance.SearchProviderCollection["ContentHubSearcher"];
// Tell the search what will be searched, this is content that will be searched
ISearchCriteria searchCriteria = searcher.CreateSearchCriteria(IndexTypes.Content);
// Create the lucene query, this is looking for all authors with the a matching authorId
// within lucene, author is stored as an Key e.g. author: 9e0dad13195243389215ce452031ffb5
IBooleanOperation query = searchCriteria.GroupedOr(new string[] { "author" }, authorId);
// Run the search within Examine
var queryResults = searcher.Search(query.Compile());
// from the results, select all the Ids and save them in IEnumerable
IEnumerable<int> nodeIds = queryResults.Select(x => x.Id);
// Create a List of IPublishedContent using Umbraco.TypedContent and the IEnumberable nodeIds List
List<IPublishedContent> publishedContent = Umbraco.TypedContent(nodeIds).ToList();
// With the List of IPublishedContent - do what you need to do.
if (publishedContent != null)
foreach (var item in publishedContent)
if (item is GenericContent genericContent && genericContent.ContentLabel is GenericPageLabel pageLabel)
else if (item is VideoItem videoItem && videoItem.ContentLabel is GenericPageLabel videoPageLabel)
else if (item is WebinarContent webinarItem && webinarItem.ContentLabel is GenericPageLabel webinarPageLabel)
else if (item is StoryContent storyItem && storyItem.ContentLabel is GenericPageLabel storyPageLabel)
return PartialView("Authors/ContentTypesDropdown", allResults.Distinct().OrderBy(x => x));
Last updated
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